Thick copper PCB

2023-12-12 17:30:23 vicky

What is Thick copper PCB board? Thick copper plate is a special process, with certain technical threshold and difficulty of operation, and the cost is relatively expensive. A layer of copper foil is bonded to the outer layer of FR-4. When the finished copper thickness is ≥2oz, it is defined as a thick copper PCB.

Thick copper PCB plate has very good elongation performance, and is not limited by processing temperature. Oxygen blowing can be used when the melting point is high, and it will not be brittle at low temperature. It is also fireproof. It is a non-combustible material. Thick copper PCBs have different thicknesses. , The specific applicable occasions are also quite different.

Thick copper PCBs are resistant to high temperature and corrosion, and are mainly used in products with power savings, especially electronic products that need to operate at higher voltages and currents. Thick copper plates are required. Thick copper boards require multilayer silk screen printing and multilayer solder mask and multilayer copper sinking. Thick copper PCBs are different due to the use of PCB and the current size and thickness of the signal. Boards with a copper thickness ≥ 2oz are called thick copper boards, and the finished copper thickness of 2oz. One silk screen printing by hand is not enough to fill the gaps between the lines, and solder mask must be printed twice. When PCB is made of 2oz and thicker, it will be remarked during solder mask: thick copper plate, second silk screen is required. In order to achieve the effect that the circuit does not redden and the solder mask thickness of the circuit surface is greater than 10um. Copper plating generally has primary copper and secondary copper. The main purpose of primary copper is to provide sufficient copper thickness for the secondary copper etching to ensure that the copper thickness after the secondary copper etching can meet the customer's standard requirements.

Thick copper PCB boards are special boards. POE Electronics is committed to providing customers with high-quality PCB proofing and mass production services, specializing in special boards that others do not want to do or do not want to do. In PCB proofing, Leadsense Circuit can currently achieve 2-40 layers, the maximum copper thickness is 10oz, the minimum laser drilling is 0.1mm, and the minimum mechanical drilling is 0.15mm.